Monday, September 5, 2011

Interview Look

Hello, everyone and happy Labor Day! Sorry I did this look so late, but I've been just ughhh today. But, it still counts, since I did it before midnight Pacific time. :) So, I decided to keep it fairly simple. Today is a day that appreciates and honors the working man or whatever. (I've never been too clear on what Labor Day was about.) So, I decided to do a working woman look...a professional look for any of you who will be doing any job interviews anytime soon. (Tho, I highly doubt it in this economy.) I used this look for interviews even tho it's never gotten me a job before. (I blame the economy and my inexperience in working, of course.) But, it's simple, low-key, clean-cut and non-threatening. Let's get to work! (Hopefully...)

A clean, clear complexion is key for this look. In Communication Studies, I learned that people who look pleasant tend to get the job during an interview. So, I cleared it out with foundation and concealer. Then, I narrowed my cheekbones with the Shisheido pink shimmery gradient blush. I made sure to groom my eyebrows nice and neat and shape them with the liner.

For the eyes, I used the peachy shimmery tan from the Pro Palette and sweeped it all over the lids. Then, I put the shimmery light brown on the outer corners and creases. The key to this look is perfection, so make sure every line is sharp and nice and neat. I didn't put any liner on, because it seemed brash and intimidating. Your boss needs you to kiss his ass, so try to look more subservient. I put on some Maybelline Lash Stiletto mascara in "Very Black" and finished the lips with Mary Kay's lip gloss in "Pink Pout".

Doesn't this just scream, "May I help you?" Well, I hope it doesn't, because I don't think a potential employer would want you screaming at his customers. ;p

Good luck on your interviews, everyone! And have a nice, relaxing Labor Day!