Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Brazilian Independence Day

Today is a very important day for is the day Brazil officially became a nation. :D Now, why is this so important to me, you wonder? Well, it just so happens that I'm of Brazilian descent. :) My mom is an immigrant from there. I speak Portuguese, I've been there many times, most of my maternal family is from there and I know all its customs, sayings and whatever else there is to know about Brazilian culture. x) So, today's look honors that day by incorporating the Brazilian flag into my eye makeup. Vamos la, galera! ;D (Yeah, in Brazil, that's actually a really dorky saying. >_>)

After prepping my face, I used the colors from the Pro Palette to make the flag over my eyelids. I put shimmery royal blue on the inner corners and made sure to "round" it on the inner part of the lid to make the cirlce in the middle of the flag. Then, I used the matte bright yellow to make the diamond in the flag. I had to slant it on the lids slightly, so that it could get that shape and put some yellow on the middle of the bottom lash, as well. Then, I used matte dark green on the outer corners and outer part of the lower lashes. I finished it off by using Manic Panic's pressed shadow in "Virgin" (to get uber-white shadow with lots of pigment) for the stripe in the middle of the blue circle. I had to define the white stripe by dabbing a bit more blue on its edges. I put on only a little bit of mascara so that it doesn't take away from the flag  and put on some Rimmel London Sweet Jelly lipgloss in "Gourmet".

Sorry for the crap job on the eye makeup. I know I could do it a whole lot brighter, but I'm overstimulated today. ;p

Curious about the flag's symbolism? Well, from what I've been told from my uncle, the green symbolizes all the forests and the nature in the country, the yellow symbolizes gold, the blue symbolizes the ocean and the white symbolizes peace. The stars are constellations that each represent a state and the motto in the white band, "Ordem e Progresso" means "Order and Progress". (An especially appropriate motto in more recent times. :D)

As a bonus for today, here are th lyrics to the Brazilian anthem! Sing along if you know it. x)

Ouviram do Ipiranga as margens plácidas
De um povo heróico o brado retumbante,
E o sol da Liberdade, em raios fúlgidos,
Brilhou no céu da Pátria nesse instante.

Se o penhor dessa igualdade
Conseguimos conquistar com braço forte,
Em teu seio, ó Liberdade,
Desafia o nosso peito a própria morte!

Ó Pátria amada,
Salve! Salve!

Brasil, um sonho intenso, um raio vívido,
De amor e de esperança à terra desce,
Se em teu formoso céu, risonho e límpido,
A imagem do Cruzeiro resplandece.

Gigante pela própria natureza,
És belo, és forte, impávido colosso,
E o teu futuro espelha essa grandeza.

Terra adorada
Entre outras mil
És tu, Brasil,
Ó Pátria amada!

Dos filhos deste solo
És mãe gentil,
Pátria amada,